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Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne

Do you like to sing?

If so, please consider this your hearty invitation to join the UUCFW Choir.  We welcome everyone and prior musical training is NOT necessary.  The Choir rehearses two to three times a month on Sunday mornings, starting at 10am (schedule on the bulletin board).  The Choir presents to the congregation approximately one Sunday a month, especially great for those who like to be involved in a variety of church activities.  We sing a large variety of music that celebrates the earth, seasons, and UU ideals ranging from pop/jazz to traditional classical repertoire - truly something for everyone.  If childcare is an issue, please let us know so we may make arrangements.

Suellen Kipp Master's Pic

Director of Music, Suellen Kipp

Suellen Kipp is the Director of Vocal Music at Woodside Middle School, the Director
of Music for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne, and serves Temple Achduth Vesholom as the Music Specialist.  Suellen received her Bachelor’s degree in Vocal and General Music Education from Ball State University.

During her years at BSU, Suellen served as an accompanist for the Ball State University Singers, the Statesmen, Women’s Chorus, University Chorus, and for various theatre productions, classes, and private voice lessons.

During her twenty-plus year teaching career, Suellen has served as an adjudicator throughout the state of Indiana for the Indiana State School Music Association judging middle school and high school choral ensembles, vocal solos, show choir, and jazz competitions.

Suellen recently completed a Master’s degree in Liberal Studies from Indiana University through the IPFW campus.

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