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Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne

Frequently Asked Questions

Hi!  Are you new to Unitarian Universalism?
A first time visitor?

This page is set up to address what we have found to be the most frequently asked questions from visitors. If you
do not find your question answered, send me an e-mail or give me a call.  Kirsten

What is the religious background of your members?

The religious background of a majority of our membership stems from Methodist, Lutheran, Catholic, Presbyterian, and "none".  During our latest search for our current minister, Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly, we asked our members and friends this question (their answers follow):

14. In addition to Unitarian Universalism, what faith traditions are important in your religious development?

Buddhism 55.9%   57
Hinduism 12.7%   13
Islam 3.9%   4
Judaism 23.5%   24
Neo-Paganism 17.6%  18
Theological Christianity 34.3%  35
Religious Humanism 56.9%   58
Taoism 23.5%   24
Other 5.9%   6

Quite a few of our members were raised in another faith, and have found they could not accept the beliefs they were expected to adopt. Other members are not religious in the conventional sense; many do not believe in god. However, all of us are interested in meaning, in morality, in the larger questions of life. Here, at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne, we can talk about deep issues without fear of censure.

What do you mean by Welcoming Congregation?

A Welcoming Congregation means that we welcome and celebrate the presence and participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people. We celebrate and affirm all people. Unitarian Universalism is a religion of inclusion, not exclusion.

So, everyone is welcome?

Yes. One of our central beliefs is respect for everyone. Whether brown, red, black, white, gay, straight, Christian, atheist ... it does not matter. The only people who find it difficult to fit in are those who are certain that their way is the right way and demand that others follow suit.

What makes Unitarian Universalists different?

Our openness. We do not claim to have answers to life’s mysteries. Instead, a UU’s challenge is to discover life’s meaning for themselves. Although we each find our own meaning, none of us is alone in this task. We help each other in many ways, including sharing our discoveries and our questions. And we have fun at the same time!

Is childcare offered?

Yes. We have three wonderful childcare providers. Feel free to stay the first time or two with your child in the Nursery to let them get accustomed to us. During our regular church year (mid-August through May) we have a religious education program for children and youth from the age of three through high school and these classes meet at 11:15 AM; children of all ages are encouraged to worship with their family during the beginning of the service.

What time do you meet?

Services are at 11 AM every Sunday morning; children are encouraged to attend the service with their family. Our church calendar year runs Labor Day through Memorial Day (May), although we do have services in the Summer months.

What should we wear?

Good question.

We are casual here and our members and friends will run the entire gamut from jeans to Sunday best.  Wear what you are most comfortable in and then you will be in your right element.

If you find that your question is not answered on this page, please e-mail us uufortwayne@frontier.com or call us at 260-744-1867 during our normal business hours of 9 AM to 1 PM, Sunday through Thursday.

Webmistress note: Many thanks to the Paint Creek UU for their ideas on answering some of your Frequently Asked Questions.

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