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Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne

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Thank you for visiting our website.We are a
Welcoming Congregation, which invites all people, no matter their race, age, ability, gender, or whom they love, to enter our doors and worship with us.

Here you will find a church that acts locally and thinks globally about current issues that are a part of our
everyday lives: world peace, education reform, racial
justice, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights,
and protection of the environment.


Who are we?

As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, our mission is to
create a spiritual community that inspires growth, seeks
knowledge, accepts differences and deepens compassion
to build a just world.


Sunday Service 11 AM

All ages are invited to worship with us at 11 AM.
Youth Religious Education begins at 11:15

Childcare is available during our worship service for toddlers
and infants.

Coffee & Social Hour follows the service

Our Minister is the Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly

We are located at 5310 Old Mill Road
(Old Mill is an extension of Broadway)

Fort Wayne, Indiana 46807
(260) 744-1867



We are ADA compliant.

Visitors Are Most Welcome


(click for more information)

Link to online calendar (linked at left side, too)


Our UU Principles

Along with over two hundred seventeen thousand
(217,000) members of the Unitarian Universalist
Association, we covenant to affirm and promote
. . .(link)


14-June web


Find our albums of photos on our Facebook page

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