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Pathways to Membership

Welcome to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne

11-Pathways Fort Wayne UU Membership

If you aren’t already a member, we encourage you to consider joining the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne.  Membership permits the person to hold various leadership positions and to vote in congregational meetings.  It also enables you to be a member of the district and national Unitarian Universalist Associations.

Persons of long-standing participation who are not members are called “friends”.  They may pledge and participate actively in the congregational life, but they cannot have leadership roles or vote.  New members cannot vote until they have been members for three months.

Membership in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Fort Wayne requires:

  • participation in the Pathways to Membership Class, agreement with our purpose;
  • making an annual financial pledge;
  • and signing the membership book during a New Member Sunday.

Our next Pathways to Membership Class is scheduled for Saturday, October 17, from 9 AM to 12 Noon.  If you would like to attend, send the office an email.  Childcare will be available if requested in advance.

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